Fulton, Mark. "The Policy Challenge for the Inevitable Response to the Climate Transition". PRI. (1636675200)November 12, 2021. https://www.unpri.org/...

Gregory Autin | November 22, 2021

Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) anticipates a climate policy acceleration driven in part by investor, corporate and civil society pressure around net zero, climate impacts, and low-carbon technology cost developments.  The principles address the different emissions paths between the developed and developing nations in a just transition.  Ambition must drive the transition towards the 2023 Paris global Stocktake and 2025 Ratchet.  This article suggests that investment will then flow for emissions curves to bend towards net zero by 2050.  However, with the policy ambition and without higher ambition and intensification by policymakers, the global temperature increase cannot be held to the Paris Agreement targets.

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