Jackson, Felicia. "EU to Gut the Principle of Sustainable Taxonomy with Inclusion of Nuclear and Gas". pv magazine. January 04, 2022. https://www.pv-magazine.com/...

Gregory Autin | January 7, 2022

EU taxonomy was intended to provide a system for the classification of environmentally and financially sustainable economic activities.  It is essentially a green label for the investment of over a trillion euros.  Also called the "Sustainable Finance Taxonomy", it's about subsidized financing and lots of money.  The taxonomy is a tool driving the realignment of capital that could provide the US$3-5 trillion needed to meet the EU's climate goals.  Designed to give investors confidence that their investment meets sustainability criteria under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), it will facilitate and enable the rapid scale-up and deployment of "sustainable finance".

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