Dharmapalan, Vineeth, William J. O’Brien, and Douglas J. Morrice. "Defining Supply Chain Visibility for Industrial Construction Projects". Frontiers in Built Environment. September 28, 2021. https://www.frontiersin.org/...

Gregory Autin | January 27, 2022

Visibility is needed in the construction supply chain for sustainable procurement and decision-making.  Supply chain visibility (SCV) is essential for on-time delivery and installation of materials and results in more effective supply chain management and improved project ESG performance.  For effective communication with other stakeholders in the supply chain, standardized definitions are needed.  This study developed and defined information to support key supply chain decision areas during the design, procurement, and construction phases for a typical industrial construction project.  Standardized definitions allow for better measurement of supply chain visibility and support the development of new SCV tools and techniques.

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