Michael Berkebile-Weinberg, Danielle Goldwert, Kimberly C. Doell, Jay J. Van Bavel & Madalina Vlasceanu. "The differential impact of climate interventions along the political divide in 60 countries". Nature. May 08, 2024. https://www.nature.com/...

Gregory Autin | May 13, 2024

A major barrier to climate change mitigation is the political polarization of climate change beliefs. In a global experiment, the differential impact of eleven climate interventions across the ideological divide were assessed. This paper examines the political polarization of climate change at the level of beliefs and behaviors. Despite the broad scientific consensus identifying human activity as a significant contributor to this global crisis, beliefs about the reality of anthropogenic climate change and the extent to which climate change is a global emergency that warrants action have become increasingly politically polarized. The political polarization of climate change is problematic given its detrimental impact on climate action and support for mitigation policies.

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