OGP Practice Group. "Deliberation – Getting Policy-Making Out From Behind Closed Doors". Open Government Partnership. Accessed July 26, 2024. https://www.opengovpartnership.org/...

Gregory Autin | July 25, 2024

Governments commonly use deliberation as a part of the policy-making process, but it is usually conducted internally and behind closed doors, thereby excluding the public.  However, efforts to involve the public in the deliberative stage are quite rare and, for the most part, governments do not have a reliable methodology for this.  While possibly being supported by public consultation, this typically involves a committee of elected officials and/or a team of policy experts.  If governments are to involve the public, difficult questions are raised, such as the rules and principles to guide the deliberation and discussion, the selection and number of participants, decision-making, and conflict resolution.  This project aims to provide guidance to engage the public in the process.

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