Enel Innovability Team. "Enel Innovation and Crowdsourcing – Open Innovability". Enel. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://openinnovability.enel.com/...

Gregory Autin | June 27, 2024

Innovation can only be meaningful if focused on sustainability.  Enel recognizes that innovation and sustainability are inextricably linked and that innovation is the key to sustainable success – Enel calls this “innovability”. Society can only be sustainable by generating measurable long-term social and environmental development benefits and all stakeholders must collaborate across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  For this reason, Enel poses challenges linked to SDGs that need solutions and is calling for ideas.  Openinnovability.com is an open crowdsourcing platform provided by Enel that is open to everyone for solutions focusing on innovation and sustainability. Led by the Enel Innovability Team, the platform enables dialog between the contributors and stakeholders.

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