Hadjikyriakou, Phanos. "EU Green Deal Product Regulations – What It Means for Design and Construction". 2050 Materials. April 14, 2022. https://medium.com/...

Gregory Autin | April 27, 2022

The Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) is a regulatory framework comprising a set of legislative files that aims to boost the circularity of the EU’s single market.  The European Commission (EC) proposed the regulation on March 30 2022 intending to make sustainable products the norm in the EU, facilitate circular business models, and empower consumers to make greener decisions.

The SPI incorporates sustainability throughout the whole life cycle of products, starting at the design phase.  It covers ICT (information and communications technology) products, textiles, furniture, and high-impact products, such as chemicals, steel, and cement, in addition to energy-related products.

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