Dana Nuccitelli. "Fighting Climate Change: Cheaper than ‘Business as Usual’ and Better for the Economy". Yale Climate Connections. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/...

Gregory Autin | June 10, 2024

The often-repeated and seldom-challenged view that climate change solutions are expensive and uneconomical has long thwarted public support for even the most common-sense measures.  While economics research documents far greater costs of climate change damages, those opposing actions to confront climate change point to the costs of the solutions and rarely if ever cite the costs or mention the alternative costs of continuing to extract and burn fossil fuels to meet society’s energy needs.  Prices of green technology solutions are falling rapidly, making many already cheaper than fossil fuel alternatives and more than pay for themselves over time.  Failing to curb global warming has started bringing more frequent climate catastrophes with crushing economic and humanitarian costs.

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