Raufflet, Emmanuel, Geoffrey Lonca, Renato Chaves, Manon Boiteux, and Tarek Burgan. "Intersections Between the Planetary Boundaries and the Circular Economy". HEC Montréal. April 30, 2021. https://drive.google.com/...

Gregory Autin | August 19, 2022

Circular economy (CE) is an umbrella concept that encapsulates and connects separate knowledge areas and experiences in terms of resource efficiency and reduced environmental impacts.  Proof of CE’s capacity to create the conditions required for meeting human needs within planetary boundaries (PBs) is still lacking.  PBs encompass nine key earth-system processes that define a safe operating space for humanity for maintaining the stability of the earth’s life-supporting systems.  Due to the extremely general and scientific evidence-based nature of the PB concept and the global and interactive nature of the boundaries, the PBs are not applied locally and regionally.

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