Swann, Stacy, Laurence Blandford, Sheldon Cheng, Jonathan Cook, Alan Miller, and Rhona Barr. "Public International Funding of Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation: A Landscape Assessment". World Resources Institute. (1617148800)March 2021. https://www.wri.org/...

Gregory Autin | December 2, 2021

Nature-based solutions for adaptation (NbSA) encompasses different types of activities, investments and approaches that seek to protect and restore nature and ecosystems.  NbSA investments are fundamentally important in helping many countries address climate change to bring about economic development and other benefits.  Climate finance and official development assistance (ODA) help developing countries scale up such investments, particularly where national public budgets are constrained.  Integrating such approaches into post-COVID economic recovery planning can maximize the effectiveness of international and domestic public funding while delivering long-term resilience.  This paper provides the first assessment of public international funding for NbSA.

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