Bateman, Alexis, Kellen Betts, Ken Cottrill, Jason Pang, and Aniruddha Suhas Deshpande. "State of Supply Chain Sustainability 2021". MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics and Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. (1640908800)2021.

Gregory Autin | November 26, 2021

This report reveals that company executives are the most significant source of pressure behind corporate commitments to supply chain sustainability (SCS).  Given their central role in setting and steering strategies, this suggests that the drive toward supply chain sustainability is a long-term business trend.  The report sheds light on how companies put their SCS commitments into practice. Three common approaches emerged: supplier development, supply chain visibility, and environmental impact reduction.  The trend is driven primarily by large and very large companies.  Small- and medium-sized companies are less likely to engage until after the coronavirus crisis due to strained financial resources

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