Investing & Investments

What are issuer and issue ratings?

An issuer rating is the assessment and provision of an opinion on an issuer’s overall capacity to pay its long or short-term financial obligations, it focusing on the issuer’s abil...

What are investment funds?

An investment fund is a financial vehicle for collecting cash from numerous separate investors for investing in a portfolio of securities based on a certain investment objective. ...

What are investment companies?

An investment company is a financial firm that engages solely in the business of investing, reinvesting and holding securities for investors.  It invests the collective funds of nu...

What are holding period yield (HPY) and money market yield (MMY)?

Holding period yield (HPY) is the unannualized percentage return on an asset or portfolio of assets from purchase date to its maturity or sale equaling the sum of increase (decreas...

What are GSE agencies?

A government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) is a publicly traded corporation established by the US Congress to finance activities for public purposes by originating or purchasing loans...

What are government agency securities?

Although most government activity is financed directly through taxes and the issuance of government debt instruments, a large amount is financed in other ways.  To satisfy addition...

What are fund type, style and strategy?

Asset allocation determines a fund's type as a stock, bond, money market or mixed.  A fund's management style is either active or passive.  The investment strategy of stock funds c...

What are fund policies and strategies?

Different rules govern the investment in and ownership of collective funds, the issuing and transfer of the fund's shares, use of leverage, and permissible fund investment strategi...

What are fund operating expenses?

Operating expenses are regular and recurring expenses that are incurred by all investment funds and paid out of investment fund assets, generally as a percentage of its net asset v...

What are fund dividends?

Fund dividends are the pro rata payout to fund shareholders of cash dividends and/or capital gains the investment fund has earned minus disclosed expenses as specified in the fund’...

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