Factors Influencing Clients’ Commitment to Sustainable Construction Practices
Successful sustainable development of projects largely depends on the level of clients’ commitment to sustainable construction practices. This survey found that the most influential factors were client knowledge and awareness; cost implication and mechanism of financial involvement; economic value and return on invest ...
Posted on 20/12/21
The Policy Challenge for the Inevitable Response to the Climate Transition
Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) anticipates a climate policy acceleration driven in part by investor, corporate and civil society pressure around net zero, climate impacts, and low-carbon technology cost developments. The principles address the different emissions paths between the developed and developing nations in ...
Posted on 22/11/21
Mandatory Corporate Climate Disclosures: Now, but How?
Companies are not required to disclose the information that investors need to price climate risk. Voluntary frameworks, like the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), do not bring about the necessary change. This has led to mispricing climate risk and capital misallocation, which harms investors ...
Posted on 19/11/21
The Use of Natural Resources in the Economy: A Global Manual on Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting
Material flow accounting provides a statistical framework measuring natural resource extraction, trade in natural resources, waste disposal and emissions. Domestic material consumption and material footprint are used as a proxy for overall environmental pressure within a national economy and the impact of a national e ...
Posted on 18/11/21
Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero‑Emission, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector
To limit additional global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, countries have adopted policies and codes that have a future impact on the emissions and energy efficiency of buildings. Building emissions need to be reduced along their life cycle through a combination of reducing energy demand, decarbonizing the power s ...
Posted on 13/11/21