Why Is Feasibility Analysis Important?
The highest return on the investment (ROI) can be realized when the issues of the various stakeholders are considered for their feasibility assessment throughout the project's whole life cycle. The financial feasibility study (FFS) determines if or confirms that a development project is potentially profitable and shou ...
Posted on 24/03/21
Social-Impact Efforts That Create Real Value
To win over investors, companies must pay more attention to ESG concerns and integrate ESG practices into business strategy and operations. Companies must do more than issue sustainability reports and engage in other standard ESG practices. To build long-term profitability, a compelling corporate purpose should under ...
Posted on 24/03/21
Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline
Land accounting is needed for land-related policies that aim to address climate, biodiversity, socio-economic and other sustainability challenges. The EEA’s interactive land cover dashboard shows land cover stocks in Europe by country, year of observation and other parameters. The EEA’s approach to environmental acco ...
Posted on 24/03/21
Sustainability in Real Asset Investment
The Brickvest flash survey asks whether investors would like to see more real asset investment opportunities with stronger ESG credentials. It encourages investors to express their concern about the amount of real asset opportunities that do not meet our ESG requirements. Alternatively, you can voice your opinion tha ...
Posted on 24/03/21
SIGNA Real Estate has adopted the ESG principles of sustainable development and is committed to responsible corporate management. As one of Europe’s major real estate investors, SIGNA takes economic, environmental and social aspects systematically into account in business decisions and the value-creation processes. T ...
Posted on 24/03/21