Conceptualizing the Circular Economy (Revisited): An Analysis of 221 Definitions
Circular economy (CE) is based on reduction, reuse and recycling, regardless of whether it is conceptualized as a 3R framework covering the 3R dimensions of reduction, reuse, recycling, as a 4R framework that considers the 4R dimensions of reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, or as an x-R framework that includes 4R. ...
Posted on 22/08/24
Scientists on Twitter: Preaching to the Choir or Singing from the Rooftops?
Socioeconomic decision-making and policy changes are affected and realized through public awareness. This calls for active engagement by the scientists and researchers with the public and the intended audience, which can drive or be driven by science and scientific research. Scientists must engage decision-makers and ...
Posted on 01/08/24
Deliberation – Getting Policy-Making Out From Behind Closed Doors
Governments commonly use deliberation as a part of the policy-making process, but it is usually conducted internally and behind closed doors, thereby excluding the public. However, efforts to involve the public in the deliberative stage are quite rare and, for the most part, governments do not have a reliable methodol ...
Posted on 25/07/24
Adaptation of the Building Sector to Climate Change: 10 Principles for Effective Action
We are witnessing unprecedented climate change due to the rapidly increasing concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere. Climate change is having severe consequences for communities that are designed for steady climatic conditions – not for the predicted climate extremes. Data collected over the recent decades shows that ...
Posted on 18/07/24
Enel Innovation and Crowdsourcing – Open Innovability
Innovation can only be meaningful if focused on sustainability. Enel recognizes that innovation and sustainability are inextricably linked and that innovation is the key to sustainable success – Enel calls this “innovability”. Society can only be sustainable by generating measurable long-term social and environmental ...
Posted on 27/06/24