Tourism for SDGs – Welcome to the Tourism for SDGs Platform!
Hospitality and travel are critical in delivering sustainable solutions for people, the planet, and prosperity. Tourism comprises around 10% of GDP, 30% of services exports, and 10% of jobs globally. It has the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly to all 17 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) an ...
Posted on 10/06/22
The Building System Carbon Framework
A common carbon framework across sectors is becoming increasingly important as policymakers struggle to set more ambitious carbon reduction goals. The Building System Carbon Framework bridges embodied and operational carbon and is neutral on materials and solutions. It enables users to identify the best emissions-red ...
Posted on 08/06/22
Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality for the Planet.
Collaboration across the value chain enables hospitality to be a powerful force for improvement, with a tangible positive impact on the environment. The Pathway has been created by the industry for the industry, in consultation with numerous stakeholders across the value chain. It offers simple and practical solution ...
Posted on 02/06/22
AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit
To decarbonize buildings, architects and building designers must reduce the environmental footprint and CO2 emissions associated with materials over the whole life cycle of building. Through life cycle assessment (LCA), the highest-impact, most cost-effective solutions to reducing embodied carbon are identified. This ...
Posted on 09/05/22
Barriers to Achieving Sustainable Construction Project Procurement in the Private Sector
Sustainable procurement management (SPM) as an approach to integrating sustainability into construction projects that takes into account the social, ecological, and economic consequences of procurement decisions. This study recognizes several challenges that obstruct the effective interaction between stakeholders in a ...
Posted on 14/04/22