Hotel Development & Investment


The fixing, cleaning, decorating, re-equipping or retrofitting a building, room or space to restore the appearance and condition of the property, comm [...]



The process of improving or updating existing built property by changing structures, replacing defective objects or areas, or making other major impro [...]


cash-flow forecasting

A method of cash forecasting that estimates a company's future cash inflow (sources) and outflow (uses) over a given period, typically based on antici [...]

cash-flow forecasting2024-09-16T09:21:43+02:00

tax shelter planning

The planning, structuring and arranging of investments to reduce the taxable income of the investor resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax co [...]

tax shelter planning2024-09-16T09:28:47+02:00

holding-period analysis

Analysis of the optimal holding period and when to invest in the life cycle of income-producing properties, which depends on the investment strategy – [...]

holding-period analysis2024-09-16T09:24:14+02:00

building code

The set of rules that specifies the standards for buildings and other structures within a jurisdiction as established by the responsible government au [...]

building code2024-09-16T09:21:26+02:00
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