The possession and use of property by virtue of a lease between the tenant and the landlord, which is a less-than-freehold interest in property that t [...]
The possession and use of property by virtue of a lease between the tenant and the landlord, which is a less-than-freehold interest in property that t [...]
The managing and operating of freehold or leasehold real estate property, including the managing, operating, valuing, purchasing and selling propertie [...]
The strategic design of an organization's operations requiring a firm understanding of the work performed and the mapping of processes, activities and [...]
The equitable and fair distribution of economic resources with a view to long-term business profit for the company, shareholder benefit, and economic [...]
The protection and restoration of natural resources, habitats and ecosystems with a view to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and preservation [...]
Ethical social responsibility and promotion of equality, well-being and social justice with a view to employees, the local community and society at la [...]
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