Investing & Investments

style box

A 9-box grid used to illustrate how the investments of a bond fund are distributed by credit quality and average maturity or how the holdings of a sto [...]

style box2020-08-18T16:35:00+02:00

exemptive order

Notice from the SEC to move forward on a new initiative, applying only to the situation for which it is granted, such as an interval fund receiving ex [...]

exemptive order2020-04-27T15:10:31+02:00

closed-end class share

A class share of a closed-end fund that meets certain conditions and has received exemptive relief from the SEC in order to offer multiple share class [...]

closed-end class share2020-04-27T15:10:31+02:00

multi-share class ETF

An ETF that issues multiple classes of share, each distinct share class representing a pro-rata interest in an existing mutual fund. [...]

multi-share class ETF2020-04-27T15:10:31+02:00

price-to-book ratio

The financial ratio calculated dividing either the company's market capitalization by the total book value from its balance sheet or the company's cur [...]

price-to-book ratio2020-04-27T15:10:31+02:00

portfolio management

The selection and management of a portfolio of financial assets in accordance with an investment strategy, which requires development of fund objectiv [...]

portfolio management2020-04-27T15:10:31+02:00
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