Sustainable Development

environmental defender

An individual and collective who protects the environment and protests unjust and unsustainable use of productive resources with the purpose of shapin [...]

environmental defender2024-09-11T16:01:15+02:00

climate target

A temperature limit, concentration level or emissions reduction goal that is used to reduce the human influence and harmful impact on the environment [...]

climate target2024-09-11T16:01:06+02:00

greenhouse gas

Any gas – primarily carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor – that absorbs infrared radiation emitted from Earth and radiates it back to Earth's surfa [...]

greenhouse gas2024-09-11T16:01:32+02:00

international non-governmental organization

A non-governmental organization (NGO) that is active internationally but not established by inter-governmental agreement commonly to provide social re [...]

international non-governmental organization2024-09-11T16:01:36+02:00

nationally determined contribution

A country's non-binding climate related targets, policies and measures to implement in response to climate change to reach the global targets set out [...]

nationally determined contribution2024-09-11T16:01:43+02:00


A new plan or program typically at the strategic level that is intended to solve a broad systematic problem or issues; a first step or movement. [...]

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