linear risk
The risk of a company’ reliance on perceived constant and stable supplies of resources despite depletion of their availability when maintaining its ta [...]
The risk of a company’ reliance on perceived constant and stable supplies of resources despite depletion of their availability when maintaining its ta [...]
The management and coordination of circular value networks, resource flows, incentives and other supporting activities in a circular network. [...]
The set of activities conducted after the sale of a product to recapture value at the end of its lifecycle, where the product is returned to the manuf [...]
A circular business model that applies a recycle/recover strategy by focusing on the recovery and recycling of products and materials after use into n [...]
A circular business model that applies a reuse/repair/repurpose/refurbish/remanufacture strategy in a product's use phase with the aim to increase the [...]
A circular business model that applies a reduce/recycle strategy in a product's design/production phases by focusing on the development of existing or [...]
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