The geographic location where development takes place is the siteSite attributes are the natural characteristics of a plot (parcel of land) in terms of its size, shape, topography, soils, water table and vegetation as well as such constructed attributes as streets, land coverage, utilities and open space.  Site attributes include:

  • Site physical dimensions – The size (area), shape and frontage of a plot;
  • Soil conditions and permeability – The type and condition of the soil – the mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids and organisms – on which the site is situated;
  • Topography – The shape and features of the surface (contour) of a site;
  • Drainage and surface runoff – The natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area and the flow of water that occurs when excess storm water, meltwater or other sources of water flow over the land’s surface as commonly required in a master drainage plan (MDP), to ensure that the project is supported by a comprehensive drainage system;
  • Utilities – Services that are consumed by the public, such as water, sewage, electricity and natural gas as well as broadband Internet services;
  • Environmental conditions – The existence and extent of any environmental issues, where the project may have to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) and certify compliance with green building standards.