The Development Impact of the War in Ukraine: Initial Projections
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says that the war is demolishing over two decades of economic progress. It reports that at least $100 billion of infrastructure, buildings, roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, and other built assets have already been destroyed by the war. The UNDP says that the impact o ...
Posted on 23/03/22
Greenpeace Sustainability Barometer 2021 – We Are Ready and Finally Want a Sustainable Future!
Today’s youth demands more commitment to sustainable development and more direct participation. Young people have the most confidence in NGOs advancing the sustainable development agenda, followed by science and citizen initiatives. For the younger generation, environmental destruction, species extinction, and climat ...
Posted on 19/03/22
Voluntary National Review 2020: Ukraine
United Nations in Ukraine. “Voluntary National Review 2020: Ukraine,” 2021. By yearend 2020, Ukraine made progress on 15 of the 17 SDGs. In its Voluntary National Review 2020, the country reported success in reducing poverty, improving labor remuneration standards, housing subsidies, and long ...
Posted on 13/03/22
The Circularity Gap Report 2022
We consume 70% more than what the earth can safely replenish and only 8.6% of what we use is returned to the economy. Rather than rectifying this, global circularity decreased from 9.1% in 2018 to 8.6% in 2020. Increasing levels of waste accompany the rapid acceleration of consumption, leaving a massive circularity g ...
Posted on 24/02/22
Making the Business Case for Climate Smart Investments: Guidelines for the Tourism Sector
The transition of tourism to net-zero emissions will require significant investment and innovation by the businesses and other stakeholders. UNEP recently launched this initiative to support the urgent transition, which is aimed to address challenges that the private sector faces in financing climate mitigation actions ...
Posted on 19/02/22