A new or ongoing plan of things typically at the tactical level that are done in order to achieve a specific result or bring about a change. [...]
A new or ongoing plan of things typically at the tactical level that are done in order to achieve a specific result or bring about a change. [...]
A multinational union or association in which member countries surrender power in specific areas to the higher organization, whose decisions are bindi [...]
A noncommercial administrative body owned by or set up and sponsored by and responsible to a central government, regional or local government or an au [...]
An organization composed primarily of sovereign states or other intergovernmental organizations, established a charter creating the group and providin [...]
A voluntary, nonprofit organization that is separate and distinct from the public sector (government) established for political activism and advocacy [...]
The maintenance of ecological processes to increase the total quality of life now and in the future through the conservation and ecologically sustaina [...]
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