Banking & Finance

What are the market flex variations?

Market flex is the right of arrangers (bookrunners) in a loan syndication to unilaterally adjust the pricing, structure and/or terms and possibly the total amount of the financing...

What are the mandate bidding strategies?

There are three ways for a bank to approach the bidding for the lead arranger mandate, each in accordance with the bank’s interest in being awarded: Bid to win – If a deal appears...

What are the lessor’s costs in leasing?

A costs that results directly from and is essential to the origination or acquisition of a transaction and that the entity would not have incurred had that transaction not occurred...

What are the lead arranger functions?

The lead arranger performs the key functions of: Origination – The process by which a lender originates, develops and closes financing transactions, it beginning with borrower acqu...

What are the key syndicate roles?

As underwriter, the lead arranger initially commits to provide the required financing to a borrower in primary syndication and acts as bookrunner.  A sub-underwriter commits to tak...

What are the key principals of accrual accounting?

Accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues, expenses, gains and losses and the related increase or decrease in assets and liabilities in the period when the accounting event o...

What are the general accounting constraints?

The materiality is the accounting constraint stipulating that any information of such importance that its inclusion in or omission from financial records could have an impact on fi...

What are the fees in leasing?

A fee is payment for a service as compensation for costs, typically expressed in basis points (bp), with 1 bp equal to one hundredth of one percent (0.01%).  Income that is generat...

What are the comparative analysis techniques?

Vertical analysis is a financial statement analysis technique that compares different items in a particular financial statement – income statement, balance sheet or cash flow state...

What are the common lease purchase options?

A fixed-purchase option (FPO) is the lessee’s contractual right to buy the asset at the end of the original lease term for a fixed percentage of its original cost.  The lessee’s op...

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